Rare Book & Special Collections Library

Number Theory for the Millenium

This website grew out of an exhibit held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Rare Book Room in May - August 2000. The exhibit, "Number Theory for the Millenium," was curated by Bruce Reznick (Professor of Mathematics).

The exhibit contained ______ books, dating from 1500 to 1964. The links below connect to pages that describe each item and its author, and contain selected images from the pages of the book. Alternatively, you can use the buttonbar to view the exhibit items.

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  1. FELKEL, ANTON (1740 - c. ). Ta𝔣el aller Einfachen Factoren der durch 2, 3, 5 nicht theilbaren Zahlen von 1 bis 10 000 000. Vienna: 1776.

  2. MUELLER, JOHANNES REGIOMONTANUS (1436-1476). De triangulis omnimodis libri quinque…Accesserunt…Nicolai Cusani De quadratura circuli….itemque Jo. De Monte Regio eadem de re elektrika. Norimbergae: 1533.

  3. VIETE, FRANCOIS (1540 - 1603). Opera Mathematica. 1579.

  4. NEWTON, ISAAC ( -- - --). The Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series. London: 1736.

  5. BARROW, ISAAC, Editor ( -- - --). Archimedis opera; Apollonii Pergaei conicorum libri IIII; Theodosii Sphaerica. Londini: Excudebat Guil Godbid, voeneunt apud Rob. Scott, in vico Little Britain, 1675, 1674.

  6. LAGRANGE, JOSEPH-LOUIS (1736 - 1813). Mecanique Analytique. Paris: 1811. Theorie des Fonctions Analytiques. Paris: 1813.

  7. EULER, LEONARD (-- - --). Elements of Algebra. London: 1810.

  8. GAUSS, KARL FRIEDRICH (1777 - 1855). Disquisitiones Arithmeticae. Bern: 1801.

  9. DIGGES, LEONARD (-- - 1571). A Geometrical Practical Treatize Named Pantometria. London: 1571.

  10. EUCLID ( -- - --). De gli Elementi d'Euclid Quindici con gli Scholii Antichi…. Urbino: 1575.

  11. LEJEUNE-DIRICHLET, PETER GUSTAV (1805 - 1859). Vorlesungen uber Zahlentheorie. Braunschweig: 1863.

  12. CARDANO, GIROLAMO (1501 - 1576). Artis magnae sive de regulis algebrae liber unus. Nuremberg: 1545.

  13. CARDANO, GIROLAMO (1501 - 1576). …Opus novum de proportionibus numerum…, Artis magnae, sive, de regulis algebraicis…, De aliza regula liber…. Basel: 1570.

  14. BRAHMAGUPTA (598 - --). Algebra, with Arithmetic and Mensuration. London: 1817.

  15. WARING, EDWARD (1734 - 1798). Meditationes Algebraicae. Cambridge: 1782.

  16. MONGE, GASPARD ( -- - --). Geometrie Descriptive. Paris: 1789.

  17. HILBERT, DAVID (1862 - 1943). Partielle Differentialgleichungen. Gottingen: Winter Semester 1895-1896.

  18. HILBERT, DAVID (1862 - 1943). Theorie der Functionen einer Complexen Variablen. Gottingen: 1896-1897.

  19. CHEBYSHEV, PAFNUTIL L'VOVICH (1821 - 1894). Theorie der Congruenzen. Berlin: 1889.

  20. SIMPSON, THOMAS (1710-1761).
    1. The Doctrine and Application of Fluxions. Part II. London: 1776.
    2. Elements if Geometry with their Application to the Mensuration of Superficies and Solids. London: 1760.
    3. The Nature and Laws of Chance. London: 1792.
    4. Essay on several Curious and Useful Subjects in Speculative and Mix'd Mathematics. London: 1740.
    5. Mathematical Dissertations on a variety of Physical and Analytical Subjects. London: 1743.
    6. Miscellaneous Tracts on Some Curious and very Interesting Subjects in Mechanics, Physical-Astronomy, and Speculative Mathematics. London: 1757.

  21. TARTAGLIA, NICCOLO ( -- - --). Tvtte l'opere d'arithmetica del famosissimo Nicolo Tartaglia…. Venice: 1592-93.

  22. AGNESI, MARIA GAETANA (1718 - 1799). Instituzioni Analitiche ad Uso della Gioventu Italiana. Milan: 1748.

  23. LAPLACE, PIERRE SIMON (1749 - 1827). Traité de Mécanique Céleste, 5 volumes. Paris: 1798-1827.

  24. PAPPUS of ALEXANDRIA (300? - 350). Commentaria in Libros Octo Mathematicarum Collectionum Pappi Alexandrini. Pisa: 1602.

  25. DIOPHANTUS of ALEXANDER (200? - 284?). Arithmetica. Toulouse: 1670.

  26. CAUCHY, AUGUSTIN LOUIS (1789 - 1857). Mémoire sur la théorie des nombres. Paris: 1829.

  27. CARDANO, GIROLAMO (1501 - 1576). Opera Omnia. Lugduni: 1663.

  28. GAUSS, CARL FRIEDRICH (1777 - 1855). Theoria motus corporum coelestium…. Hamburgi: 1809.

  29. MINTO, WALTER (1753 - 1796). An Inaugural Oration, on the Progress and Importance of the Mathematical Sciences. Delivered at Princeton on the evening preceding the annual commencement of 1788… . Trenton: 1788.

  30. FENNING, DANIEL (-- - --). The Young Algebraist's Companion, or, A New and Easy Guide to Algebra. London: 1750.

  31. CLAIRAUT, ALEXIS CLAUDE (1713 - 1765). Recherches sur les courbes à double courbure. Paris: 1731.

  32. JACOBI, CARL GUSTAV JACOB (1804 - 1851). Canon Arithmeticus sive Tabulae Quibus Exhibentur pro Singulis Numeris Primis .... Berolini: 1839.

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